Assessment Recording And Reporting
Teachers continually assess work and follow whole school policy on marking, setting out and reporting to children their progress. Targets are identified in maths and literacy and shared with parents at parents evenings. Tests are used as part of the assessment process, alongside teacher assessment. An end of year report is sent home to parents in July.
Children are assessed on entry by a baseline assessment, at the end of Year 1 by a phonics test and then at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 children are assessed by the use of nationally prescribed standard attainment tests (SATs). The results of these assessments are set alongside the teacher assessments which are continual and not confined to the 7 and 11 year age group.
All results of each student's assessments will be available to his/her parents in the end of year report. We have parents’ evenings in the autumn and spring term to report on children’s progress and attainment. A mini report card will also be sent home at the end of each term, which will give information about attendance, attitude to learning and progress.