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Mrs Hanna (EYFS)

My name is Mrs Hanna, and I am the Reception Class Teacher and EYFS Lead. Please find on our class pages  information on the curriculum and what your child is learning through the year. Please contact me if you have any questions through the school office or on Class Dojo.


Bookbag and PE Kit 

Please ensure your child has their book bag everyday. We will change their book regularly and also listen to your child read individually and in groups at different times during the week.

We have PE lessons twice a week, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school on Monday's and Thursday's. 

Early Years Foundation Stage

Reception Class follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021) and Development Matters (2020). The frameworks are divided into seven areas of Learning Development.  These areas include Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

The children learn both within the classroom and in the secure outdoor area. Children can then access their own learning continuously through time spent learning through play, in between adult led activities including whole class sessions and focused group tasks.

We set up the provision weekly following the topic and exploring and following the children's own interests, as these interests often lead to powerful learning.

The early learning goals summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all young children should have gained by the end of the Reception year.

We use 'Tapestry' - an online learning journal, to share your child's learning with parents. Parents can have immediate access to your child's learning, leave comments and upload observations from home. Please arrange with Miss Seddon if you would like access to Tapestry.