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At Welbourne Primary Academy, our intent is to provide a curriculum that offers exciting and meaningful learning opportunities that motivate and inspire our children. We aim to broaden our children’s horizons and make them aware of the world beyond their immediate experience.   

Our Curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum and is reviewed regularly to take into account current educational research. Staff take an active role in curriculum design to ensure that our curriculum remains broad, current and relevant to all children. 

We aspire for our children to have an expansive bank of knowledge and skills that can equip them for each stage of their learning. 

We want our children to become independent learners, develop a curiosity of the world and a desire to develop and achieve aspirational goals. 

We want our children to develop a clear set of values which enable them to be active participants in the world and make good life choices. 

Our curriculum is designed with the context and background of our children at the forefront of our minds. Developing our children’s social, emotional, mental and health wellbeing is a key priority for our children to succeed. Our curriculum teaches diversity so that our children appreciate, recognise and respect differences and treat others fairly and equally.   

We recognise that our parents our integral in their child’s learning journey and seek effective ways to actively engage them in school life. We also value the importance of using our curriculum to develop strong links with our local community. 


McKie Mastery provides a consistent, rigorous pedagogical approach with high expectations for teaching and learning in literacy and maths. Children are grouped to receive specific teaching and learning for their next steps. As a result, all children study the full curriculum in all year groups. There is a sharp focus upon teaching the children to read using our accredited synthetic phonics programme (Power Phonics) which is then followed by a clear emphasis on improving the children’s fluency using daily reading. Curriculum maestro is used to deliver art, DT, history and geography. This ensures that the knowledge and skills for these subjects are well sequenced, ambitious, and connected to enable children to know more and do more. RE, Music, PSHE, Computing, PE and MFL are all taught as standalone subjects supported by schemes of work. Success steps help to clarify the content that is to be delivered and ensure that learning is broken down in into manageable chunks.  


Our children have a confident set of skills, knowledge and values, which can be used to get ahead in education and life more generally. In short, they are learning more, remembering more, enjoying more and developing more as spiritual, social and emotional beings. Thus enabling them to be ready for their next stage in education. This effectiveness is monitored through;  

  • Attainment and progress measures. 

  • Curriculum leadership. 

  • Data challenge meetings  

  • Peer observation 

  • Pupil voice and student council feedback 

  • Behaviour logs 

  • Attendance 

If you would like to find out more information about our school curriculum please contact Miss Lawson via the school office or email -