Disability and Accessibility Plan
At Welbourne Primary School we are committed to working together to provide an inspirational and exciting learning environment where all children can develop an enthusiasm for life-long learning. We believe that children should feel happy, safe and valued so that they gain a respectful, caring attitude towards each other and the environment both locally and globally.
The Welbourne Primary School Accessibility Plan has been developed and drawn up based upon information supplied by the Local Authority, and consultations between staff and governors of the school. The document will be used to advise other school planning documents and policies and will be reported upon annually in respect of progress and outcomes. The intention is to provide a projected plan for a three-year period ahead of the next review date.
The Accessibility Plan is structured to complement and support the school’s Equality Objectives, and will similarly be published on the school website.
We understand that the Local Authority will monitor the school’s activity under the Equality Act 2010 (and in particular Schedule 10 regarding Accessibility) and will advise upon the compliance with that duty.
Welbourne Primary School is committed to providing an environment that enables full curriculum access that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents, and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. We are committed to taking positive action in the spirit of the Equality Act 2010 with regard to disability and to developing a culture of inclusion, support, and awareness within the school.
We have a good level of access for disabled children and adults. The school is on one floor and there are ramps in places to support access. We have a disabled toilet which is easily accessible.
The full accessibility statement and policy can be found in the section School Policies.