Frequently Asked Questions 2
What pastoral, medical and social support is offered to the children and their families?
- 1:1 or small group support from pastoral care TA
- Walter the Worry Monster - self referral for worries.
- Access to the school nurse
- Advice available through referrals to outside agencies, such as, CAMHS, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy etc.
- Individual Health care plans
- Qualified first aiders on school staff
- School behaviour and anti-bullying policies
- Extra-curricular clubs and activities, including school discos and film nights.
- Strong links with local church
- Regular Team Around the Child meetings when children’s wider ranging needs have been recorded through the Early Help process.
- PSHE programme followed weekly through lessons and assemblies.
What opportunities will my child get to contribute their views about their schooling and progress?
- Rating their own learning at the end of lessons and giving their own feedback on their learning.
- School council
- PSHE curriculum opportunities
- Contributing to annual reviews
- Pupil surveys
How is extra support allocated?
- Regular assessment and monitoring of progress highlights those children that need extra support.
- Needs are identified by the class teacher, supported by the Senco and head teacher.
- Individual provision maps/IEP’s are used to record and monitor the support provided for those with specific needs.
- For children with EHC plans, the school will provide the support outlined in the plan.
What does the school provide to ensure that all children can access the activities offered?
- Activities planned to suit individual needs
- Use of appropriate and specialist resources
- Appropriately trained and qualified staff
- Access to support services as required
- Disabled toilets
- Wheelchair access
- Accessibility plan regularly reviewed by governing body
- Adapted materials where appropriate
- Resources such as sloping boards, pencil grips, coloured paper etc.
- Adaptations to the curriculum and support provided to suit individual needs.
How does the school differentiate for different abilities?
- English and Maths are taught using Power Teaching and Learning. This means that children are grouped according to ability and lessons are planned to closely match the needs of the children in each group.
- In the afternoons children are taught in mixed ability classes by a teacher and a class TA.
- The lessons are planned to meet the individual needs of all the children in the class through quality teaching.
- The learning outcomes vary according to the ability of each child as does the amount of adult support they receive.
- Teachers use differentiated questioning as well as multisensory aids and resources to support children who require additional support.
- We run intervention groups and 1:1 programmes to support those children who require additional support.
When will I get the opportunity to come into school to discuss my child's progress?
- Regular parents evenings
- Meetings with class teacher/Senco to discuss any significant changes in need or cause for concern.
- Meetings with Senco to discuss reports received from outside agencies.
- If your child has an EHC plan you will be invited to attend annual review meetings.